In the Search of Sound Doctrine
Lighthouse Christian Church was born amid doctrinal uncertainties. While most churches at the time were adopting strategies to become mega-churches, the founders of Lighthouse Christian Church (LCC) desired to find and uphold sound doctrine within its congregation. In June of 2008, Pastor Benigno (Ben) Sandoval and his family, along with a small group of family friends, started its first Worship Service in the home of one of its members in Amparo, Caloocan City. While navigating the challenges of our early years, we piggybacked the processes and strategies of a traditional Evangelical Church at the time, due to limited support and our lack of a seminary background. This led us to consider adopting unbiblical practices at times. However, with Pastor Ben’s regulative convictions and principles, God sustained LCC to remain only in biblically sound practices.
Through the years and through the faithful giving of its congregation, LCC was able to support seminary students here and abroad. The first produce of such support was Pastor Mateomar Pajarillo. He became an Associate Pastor of the Church in 2016, marking the beginning of our journey towards reformation. Despite some challenges due to our background, we received support from his fellow seminary students and friends from the Field of Grace Reformed Church, enabling us to sustain our pursuit of reformation. In February 2022, LCC’s Elders and Deacons were officially installed, reflecting our commitment to the offices that Christ instituted, as His undershepherds. Later that same year, Lighthouse Christian Church became a proud member of the Federation of Reformed Churches in the Philippines, deepening our connection to the wider Reformed community. Lastly, in June 2023, Reverend Kirby Figueras of Field of Grace Reformed Church formally ordained Reverend Mateomar Pajarillo as the Minister of the Word and Sacraments for LCC sfter sustaining his rigorous Ordination Examination, solidifying his role as our Ordained Minister. These significant milestones serve as a testament to our congregation’s faithful giving and our shared commitment to the principles of reformation.
Since then, Lighthouse Christian Church have successfully established ourselves in our new location and have been able to gather believers from both the city and neighboring communities. We have baptized several covenant children and have welcomed new members through their public professions of faith in our congregation. It is our goal to maintain a steadfast commitment to sound doctrine, which we believe will greatly enhance the life of faith in our community and its surrounding areas. We are dedicated to faithfully preaching the Scriptures, echoing the same doctrines that were established by the reformers 500 years ago and passing them down to future generations. We were once dead in our trespasses and sins, but God delivered us from the dominion of darkness and transferred us to the kingdom of His beloved Son. Now, we are devoted to the apostles’ teaching and fellowship, to the praise of His glorious grace. Semper reformanda secundum verbum dei.
Ephesians 2:1-3
And you were dead in the trespasses and sin in which you once walked...
Colossians 1:13
He has delivered us from the domain of darkness and transferred us to the kingdom of his beloved Son
Acts 2:42-47
And they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers.