Christ has instituted three offices in the church: minister of the Word, elder, and deacon.
Minister of Word and Sacraments
Rev. Mateomar Pajarillo
Mateomar Pajarillo has been a member of Lighthouse Christian Church since 2011, he took up his Pastoral Studies at Febias College of Bible and graduated in 2017. He served as an associate pastor from 2016 to 2020, and is now serving as the resident pastor of LCC. He is currently taking his Master of Divinity degree in Biblical Studies at Biblical Seminary of the Philippines.
Pastor Emeritus
Pastor Ben Sandoval
Pastor Benigno Sandoval formed Lighthouse Christian Church through establishing Home Bible Studies in a few homes in the Amparo Subdivision area. With his wife, four children and a handful of family friends, they started Lighthouse Christian Church in June 2008. After 12 years of serving as Pastor, he was emeritated on 2020 and passed on his Pastorship to Mateomar Pajarillo. Married to his late wife, Juanita Sandoval, father to Jay Benedick, Sarah Kay, Jeremiah and Jeriko.
Jay Benedick Sandoval
Jay Benedick Sandoval has been a member of Lighthouse Christian Church since its foundation in 2008. He is working as a Project Lead in Software Testing as an Independent Contractor. Serving as an Elder since his installation in 2022. Husband to Joan and a father to Jairus Joaquin and Jared James.
Jeremiah Sandoval
has been a member of Lighthouse Christian Church since 2008 and is serving as an Elder since his installation in 2022. He currently works as a Web Developer at Reed Elsevier Shared Services Philippines. He is a husband to Angela and a father to Amos Selah and Calista.
Bennedict Servaz
has been a member of Lighthouse Christian since 2014 and serving as an Elder since his installation on February 5, 2023. He currently works as a Software Engineer. He is husband of Aliesa Jane.
Allan Umali
has been a member of Lighthouse Christian Church since 2014 and is serving as an Elder since his installation in 2022. He currently works as a Network Security Consultant at Aeven Philippines, Inc. He is a husband to Maze Hazel and a father to Luke Phileo.
Regenesis Uncad
has been a member of Lighthouse Christian Church since 2010 and is now serving as an Elder since his installation in February 27, 2022. He currently works as a Catastrophe Modeling Analyst at Arch Global Services, Inc.
Jericho Babael
has been a member of Lighthouse Christian Church since August of 2017. He is a software automation engineer by profession and is currently employed by Manulife IT Data Center. He is serving as a deacon for the local congregation of LCC since his installation in February 2022.
Robert Gatpolintan
has been a member of Lighthouse Christian Church since 2012 and is serving as a Deacon since his installation in 2022. He currently works as Medicare UM Nurse Trainer at EXL Philippines, Inc. He is a husband to Ana Donna and a father to Xhiloh, Ysobel, and Zurielle who will be given birth God-willing on February 2024.
Jeriko Sandoval
has been a member of Lighthouse Christian Church since 2008 and is serving as a Deacon since his installation in 2022. He currently works as a Software Engineer at Manulife Data Services, Inc.
Ephesians 2:1-3
And you were dead in the trespasses and sin in which you once walked...
Colossians 1:13
He has delivered us from the domain of darkness and transferred us to the kingdom of his beloved Son
Acts 2:42-47
And they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers.